Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blog 2


Did you know 3.0

Did you know 3.0 had so many surprising facts a out the world today. I had no idea the world was moving as fast as it is. One thing that really surprised and fascinated me was when the video about a student studying a four year degree in technology, half of what they learn in the first year will be outdated by their third year of study. I couldn’t imagine how that difficult that must be to have to keep up with the world changing technology.
I know that by the time I become a teacher there will be probably be so many more advances in technology that will help out within the classroom. Now, we as becoming teachers and even teachers now are amazed at what the smartboard can do and how much it can help in the classroom. I cant even imagine how many more helpful things will come in the years as we begin to teach!

Mr. WInkle

Mr. Winkle Wakes:

Mr. Winkles is a video about how he wakes up after 100 years and realizes how different the world is. He goes to hospitals and offices and realizes that everything is run off of technology but then goes to a school where he feels “comfortable” because it is still about the same when he remembers it. When I first started watching this video I didn’t quite understand why we were watching it because it seemed as though it was talking to a young audience but then thinking about I realized that it really is for adults and that its saying that we as future and current teachers need to realize that the schools are as advanced as the rest of the world. Now in college and jobs almost everything is technology based and we barely introduce the children into any technology that they will need to know!
WE cant sit here and let our students not understand what they are about to enter as they get older!

Don'y Kill Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson:

I really enjoyed this video. It was very entertaining but at the same time it actually made you realize a few things. Robinson is completely right about how art and creativity is not high up in the hierarchy. The curriculum focuses more on the “core” subjects as in math, English, science. But art is just seen as a fun class to take but that is where students really get to explore their imagination and really get to use their creativity to learn. Watching this video made me think of all the things I have seen in the past when I have been student teaching at schools and now that I really sit down and think about it, when the students get to use their creativity or get to sing or dance to learn something, they really do enjoy it more than just sitting in their desk listening to the teacher as they try to understand what they are teaching. Creativity is so important and it really hasn’t been integrated into the curriculum as much as it should. In my opinion if we as teachers were to let the students be more creative in what they were learning, they would learn more and be more interested in what they were learning which is very important for them to retain the information.


Cecilia Gault:

I believe that in order make sure students have the same education capability that Cecilia Gault has in her classroom, technology would have to be greatly intertwined in the learning in the classroom. Students are slowly becoming adapting to the advances in technology but in order to prepare them for the future advances, we as teachers need to show them more about technology and get them comfortable using technology. Also, we need to allow students to be more creative in everything they do. There are so many rules and standards that have to be met that teachers narrow the time the students could be creative.
Culture is also a very important thing in education. So many students have no idea what the world consists of outside the US or even their state. Integrating different cultures into the curriculum and classroom could really open the eye of so many students.

students blogging

Vicki Davis: Harness your Students’ Digital Smarts

This video really showed how important it is for students to connect to the outside world of their classroom in order to further their knowledge. When I was their age I was never using this much technology and now we use technology so much that getting the students comfortable with it now would only help them in the future. I really do think that sometimes students learn more when they teach each other than when the teacher is teaching them. They seem to listen better and understand more when someone on their level is teaching them. I also really liked the part during the video when she was talking about how teachers don’t have to know everything they are teaching. So many teachers feel like there is so much pressure on them to know everything above and beyond that they are going to teach but as shown in the video, you don’t have to. Sometimes it’s ok to not know everything and I think that was really shown in this video.

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